Church of the Redeemer
Church of the Redeemer
Holy Week Schedule
Palm Sunday
9:00 am Holy Trinity - 11:00 am Redeemer
Maundy Thursday
6:00 pm Holy Trinity - 7:30 pm Redeemer
Good Friday
6:00 pm Holy Trinity - 7:30 pm Redeemer
Easter Vigil
6:00 pm Holy Trinity - 8:00 pm Redeemer
Easter Sunday
9:00 am Holy Trinity - 11:00 am Redeemer
"The little church with a big heart"
We're glad you came!
Service Times
Sunday Morning Service: 11:00AM
Join us for coffee hour the 1st Sunday of the month.
Our Location
13225 Old Sound Ave.
Mattituck, NY 11952
About Us
We are a church that is dedicated to serving others and serving God. This is the core of our vision and our mission.
Contact Us
Welcome to the Church of the Redeemer. Visiting a church for the first time can be an anxiety-producing experience. Here is what you can expect to find when you first step through the doors of Redeemer: A warm welcome, a beautiful, sacred place to pray, people who find questions more interesting than answers, a congregation that likes to sing, thoughtful sermons, and if you come back the following Sunday, someone who will remember your name.
At Redeemer we strive to be a church that is open, inclusive, and welcoming of all God’s children. As an Episcopal church we value ancient ways of worship, yet we are still an emerging Christian community, not yet fully formed in personality or identity. We are in the midst of creation,but continuing to rely on the wisdom of the saints preceding us.
Our worship is grounded in the meaning, beauty and artfulness of the ritual of the early church. Yet theologically, we are constantly seeking to understand how Christ’s life and teachings are relevant to us in the 21st century.
We welcome you, no matter who you are, into this work of creating a new kind of church – a place where you are encouraged to let your spiritual imagination expand in all directions. Give Fr. Roger Joslin a call at
631-655-1247. Roger would be happy to talk with you about your spiritual journey and how the Church of the Redeemer can be a part of your quest.
The little church with a big heart. Working toward a better world.
Subscribe so we can keep in touch!
We are a parish of the Episcopal Diocese of Long Island.
The Right Reverend Lawrence Provenzano, Bishop
Connect with the Diocese of Long Island here